#233 HO Scale 30-Series Gearboxes & LidsPlastic 30-Series Draft Gearboxes, Draft Gearbox Lids and Spring Lids10 pair per packageDraft Gear Box, Draft Gear Box Lid and Spring Lid for 30-Series...
#38 Medium 19/64in Centerset Plastic Shank Magne-MaticĀ® Coupler with #233 draft Gearboxes 2pr. Coupler Conversion InfoYou must first identify the locomotive or rolling stocks manufacturer and...
#33 HO Scale 30-Series Plastic Couplers with Gearboxes - Short (1/4") Centerset ShankHO-Scale MAGNE-MATICThis industry leading coupler features plastic standard coupler with metal...
#625 Knuckle Spring for Scale Head HO-Scale CouplersHO-Scale MAGNE-MATICHO-Scale Knuckle Springs For use with all Scale Head Couplers.<br> (#58, #78, #119, #150-Series, #178...
#34 HO Scale 30-Series Plastic Couplers with Gearboxes - Short (1/4") Underset ShankHO-Scale MAGNE-MATICThis industry leading coupler features plastic standard coupler with metal knuckle, and #621...
#32 HO Scale 30-Series Plastic Couplers with Gearboxes - Medium (9/32") Overset ShankHO-Scale MAGNE-MATICThis industry leading coupler features plastic standard coupler with metal knuckle, and #621...